🎊 Full Stack Intensive Batch 23 Graduation Day 🪅

This batch’s graduates demonstrated incredible dedication, supporting one another through every challenge and achieving remarkable results. Their hard work and collaboration truly shined, making this moment a memorable celebration of their success.

We are grateful to have had the opportunity to meet and support these talented individuals throughout their journey. Their commitment and passion were truly inspiring, and we extend our heartfelt congratulations once again!

💻 May Open House at Wcoding: “Rock Paper Scissors” Mini-Game Workshop 🍕

It was delightful to meet all the new coding-enthusiasts at our Open House event this May! 🙋 

At our recent Open House event in May 2024, we provided some valuable insights and tips on navigating the tech job market in Korea, guiding attendees through the intricacies of finding success in this dynamic industry.

Additionally, participants engaged in an exciting coding workshop where they learned to create their own “Rock, Paper, Scissors” mini-game, combining learning with hands-on fun. And what better way to wrap up a day of learning and coding than with some relaxed chatter over a refreshing beer? It was a pleasure to share the joy of coding with each and every one of you!

🎓 Wcoding at SolBridge Startup Seminar 2024 📚

Participating in SolBridge Startup Seminar 2024 provided Wcoding a valuable opportunity to share practical insights and connect with aspiring young entrepreneurs. We were thrilled to be invited to one of the most international universities in Korea and share our tips on various topics: startup fundamentals, visa types for foreigners as well as sharing our story as Wcoding! We hope to come back to SolBridge very soon with more exciting talks.

👐 Welcome to wcoding, Full Stack Intensive Batch 26! 

For this batch, we welcome students from Saudi Arabia, US, Ireland, Russia and Uzbekistan! It is exciting to have such a diverse batch this time and getting ready for the international learning environment!

We look forward to your upskilling your programming in the upcoming months.
Stay tuned ~

🖥  Full Stack Intensive Batch 20’s Project Week

Here is a snapshot of Full Stack Intensive batch 20 working together on their final project – DevShop!
The team worked days and nights during their last month to showcase a group project where its user can curate and exchange likes and dislikes of his or her coding projects. The seven team members stayed on campus past their study hours to refine their project to excellence.

🎓 Full Stack Intensive Batch 20 Graduation 

Congratulations to the Full Stack Intensive batch 20 who graduated with their hard-earned certificates!
This batch’s graduates (including Cheryl who was away this day) worked side by side, lifting each other up, and creating impressable results. This of course deserved a hearty dinner.

🎓 Python Beginners Batch 18 Graduation

We celebrated Python Beginners Batch 18’s graduation by cheering the graduates’ undying will to learn and develop their Python language skills to the next level.

👐 Welcome to wcoding, Full Stack Intensive Batch 21! 

For this batch, we welcome students from Guam, Jamaica, Mexico, and the US!
We look forward to your upskilling your programming in the upcoming months.
Stay tuned –

1.  A Glimpse to Dev Bootcamp Batch 19’s Project Week

The Dev Bootcamp Batch 19 recently started their Project Week, gearing up for their upcoming Demo Day. The event will showcase the final project that the batch has been working on for the past several weeks. Group Project is a critical part of the Bootcamp as it allows the students to work in a team and apply what they have learned in a real-world setting.

We are looking forward to seeing the batch bring its innovative and creative ideas to life!

2. Python Nights Batch 17 Graduation 

Happy graduation to Python Nights for Beginners Batch 17! During the past 2 months, the batch not only learned the fundamental concepts of Python but also touched on the basics of SQL, sqlite3, API, and Flask. At the end of the course, the students successfully completed a mini project of building up a pizza-size editor.

It’s not an easy thing to keep learning new things after work, but our brave wcoders managed to do it and upgraded their tech skills through consistent efforts and dedication. Well done and congratulations! 

3. Dev Bootcamp Batch 19’s Graduation & Demo Day

After an intensive 12-week journey, our web development students showcased their final group project and the skills they learned during the bootcamp on our Demo Day.

Inspired by the team’s experiences of looking for jobs in Korea, they built a career-matching platform ‘Waygukwin‘ to help English speakers in Korea find an ideal position based on users’ technical skills, visa status, education backgrounds…etc. 

After the presentation, our alumni, developers, and attendees gave insightful feedback and advice from both technical and business perspectives. It was indeed a great opportunity for the students to showcase the technologies they learned and experience how a team works in a real IT working environment. 

We’re proud of what these graduates have accomplished, and we know they have the skills and determination to succeed. Congratulations to the graduates, and best of luck in their future endeavors!

4. Newbies of April: Welcome to wcoding! 

We are delighted to have 2 cohorts, a weekend Intro to Web Dev and an intensive Dev Bootcamp, who just started their coding journey with us this month! 

Outside of the class, our Dev Bootcamp students formed a study group to work on their first solo project and reviewed the course materials together. Sometimes, the students will stay for the tutoring session led by our Teaching Assistants to refresh what they have learned so far.

It’s great to see how the group is dedicated and hardworking in learning coding and we look forward to everyone’s growth throughout the course!

1.  Congratulations on the Completion of the Course for January Graduates! 

Our proud students from Dev Bootcamp Batch 18  just graduated from wcoding this January – Happy graduation and well done!

On the last day of the Bootcamp, batch 18 showcased their group project <div>’ Mon on the Demo Day as their graduate project. 

<div>’ Mon is a trading card game that includes user log-in, difficulty level, card shuffle, attack and defense features, and an admin dashboard to manage player information. 

The batch applied their creative ideas and talent to a fun and quality project! Their hard work during the past 12 weeks has helped them gain a deeper understanding of computer science. Through this opportunity, we hope they will get inspired to explore new areas of programming and technology in the future!

2. Welcome Dinner with Dev Bootcamp Batch 19! 

At the beginning of 2023, a new batch of Dev Bootcamp started! Students from Denmark, Canada, the UK, France, the US, Turkmenistan, and Greece gathered and started their coding journey at wcoding! After Friday’s class, wcoding hosted a welcome dinner for all the newbies, where students had the opportunity to mingle with staff, classmates, and wcoding instructors. It was also delightful to have some alumni join us and share their tips and experiences in working as a developer in Korea. 

3. Dev Bootcamp Batch 19 Completed Their First Mid-Term Project! 

Our proud students of Dev Bootcamp batch 19 just completed their first presentation, showcasing their newly acquired skills in website development! 

The students presented a website they had re-created utilizing their creativity, coding skills, and many CSS tricks! 

 The presentation was a great opportunity for the students to demonstrate their understanding of coding concepts and to receive feedback from their peers, alumni, and instructors.

Overall, it was a successful milestone in the students’ coding journey, and we look forward to seeing their progress in the final presentation on Demo Day! 

4. Congratulations on the Completion of Dev Nightly for February Graduates!

The day had finally arrived for the Dev Nightly students to showcase their final project on Demo Day! 

After 8 months of intensive training and hard work, the students presented their web application “On My Way,” to an audience of industry professionals, mentors, and peers. 

On My Way is an entertainment app that encourages people to walk out to explore nature and landmarks. The users can choose different fun challenges to receive rewards. The main features include a location-checking system, a leaderboard, an admin page, and Google sign-in.

The graduates were proud to showcase the skills they had acquired in the bootcamp, such as front-end development, database management, and project collaboration. 

In the end, the graduates received their certificates of completion, marking their official transition from students to full-fledged web developers! 

 It was a moment of celebration for the hard work that the students had put into the program. Well done, wcoders! 


Are you trying to take your first steps into coding?
Want to take the leap into Web Development?

Join us for an exclusive meet and greet with the admissions team and instructors of our Dev Bootcamp!

At this event, you’ll have the opportunity to learn more about the program, and how it can help you take your first steps into the exciting world of programming. Our admissions team will be on hand to answer any questions you may have about the program and share our experiences in helping our graduates reach their goals, giving you an insight into what it takes to become a successful web developer.

You’ll also get to meet our experienced instructor for the Dev Bootcamp, who will lead an introductory coding workshop in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and get a taste of what it’s like to be part of our coding community!

This is a great chance to:

  • Participate into a free coding workshop
  • Get to meet the staff
  • Learn what you can get from our Dev Bootcamp

The session will start at 19:00, and last for about 2 hours.

⭐ RSVP link:



Have you ever wondered how far one can come as a developer in a few months of intensive study and practice? In this article, we will introduce you to some of our student works from previous Demo Days.

Demo Day is a day at the end of the fullstack web development bootcamp for the students to present their final group project to our senior developers and business team. It is also a great opportunity to apply tech knowledge in a real-life project and learn how programmers work as a team in the development field. 

The projects—built in the final 2 weeks of the entire course—ranged from apps aimed at solving community problems, social platforms to facilitate better communication within and between people, educational tools, as well as a surprisingly addictive game. While the projects each tackled very different objectives, all displayed a tremendous amount of both creativity and technical skill. Below, we feature seven highlights—check them out!

🐾 Pet Venture by Dev Bootcamp batch 11

Pet Venture is a social media platform to build a pet-friendly community and connect people together through pet meetups. 

Main features include:

-Users can build profiles for their pets, rate peers and their pets, or leave comments for the event

-Users can host a pet walk on the platform, and create their own custom walking route to share with fellow users. They can easily pin multiple places and stop-off points based on their current location.

-Web AR (Augmented Reality on the Web)! When users locate a unique QR code, they will be able to collect a free reward and see cute animations!

(Github Link)

🏫 School Portal by Dev Bootcamp batch 14

The school portal is a management tool for both teachers to manage classes and students to enrich learning experiences.  

Main features include:

-Teachers can create posts in their assigned courses with links to external files and set assignment due dates, as well as upload a profile image. 

-Students can enroll in different courses from the course list, check the latest class announcements, download course materials and upload homeworks.

-Admins can make courses, assign teachers and students, as well as create the user accounts themselves. 

(Github Link)

📸 Prophoto by Dev Bootcamp batch 15

ProPhoto is a platform for photographers to share their works and for everyone to download or buy high-quality photos online. 

Main features include:

-An online transaction system where users can buy virtual coins via credit cards or bank transfers 

-A profile page where artists can upload their photographs and set values for their works, and users can download purchased artworks or re-charge their coins. 

-A search bar where users can easily find artworks by keywords

-An optional sign in method with Google accounts

(Github Link)

🛏️ RoomEZ by Dev Bootcamp batch 16

RoomEZ is a short-term housing rental service platform for users to share and book their rooms online. Users can use filters in location, price, and room type to search for a suitable space and will be able to see the places on the kakao map.

(Github Link)

✍️ Dear Diary by Dev Bootcamp batch 17

Dear Diary is a journaling application for users to record their daily life online. Users can easily keep track of their emotions, activities, events, and ideas on this safe and private digital place. 

Main features include:
-A timeline of the journals, where users can see all the notes by time order

-An optional sign in method with Google and Kakao accounts 

-A map of users’ visited places, a calendar of events, and an album to manage uploaded photos.

(Github Link)

🕹️ <div>’ Mon by Dev Bootcamp batch 18

<div>’ Mon is a trading card game where the player starts with a shuffled deck and on their turn, draws and plays cards to attack the opponent (computer) and reduce its health points to zero before the computer can do the same to the player. The player can also choose to increase the game’s difficulty level, and log in as an admin to manage the player information.

🛣️ On My Way by Dev Nightly 

On My Way is an entertainment and location-based app that encourages people to walk out to explore nature and landmarks. The users can choose different fun challenges in various locations to receive rewards. 

The main features include: 

-A location-checking system to see whether the user is on the same location as the challenge

-A leaderboard to see top players’ points 

-A management page where admins can edit users, challenges, and locations.

-An optional sign in method with Google accounts.

(Github Link)

1.  Open House was a Success: 20+ Coders Joined to Learn to Code

At the last event, we got a chance to meet many talented coders who successfully built a Magic Eight Ball Game for the very first time.✨⁣⁣

It was great to meet many new friends in the November Open House!

If you’re also curious about Coding Bootcamp, come join us in the next Open House and discover your future potential in Tech with us.

2. Congratulations on the Completion of the Course for November Graduates!

Our proud students from Python Nights for Beginners (Programming & Data Science) Batch 16 and Intro to Web Dev  (Weekend Web Dev) Batch 3 just graduated from wcoding this November – Happy graduation and well done!

Our students came from English teachers, college students, business managers, and entrepreneurs in this batch. It’s wonderful to see talents from all different backgrounds join us to learn to code together and successfully completed the journey with us. We look forward to their continued growth in programming in the future!

In the meantime, if you’re interested in our evening programs or weekend classes, please don’t hesitate to contact us! Our Admissions Team would love to hear your story and have a talk!

3. Full-time Bootcamp Batch 18’s First Presentation on Web Development Project

Our brave coders from Dev Bootcamp (12-Week Full-Time program) just completed their very first front-end project of building a school website!

For our Bootcamp students, being able to apply the coding knowledge to an actual IT project and explain the codes is an important step of becoming a real developer.

The opportunity to showcase what they have learned in front of our senior developers and received feedback from our alumni and dev team is definitely valuable for our students. We were also glad to see their progress in such a short time! 

Next, they will work on a bigger and more functional group project by adding more back-end features as well. We look forward to their final presentation on the Demo Day soon! 

1.  Wcoding Dev Bootcamp Batch 17: Students Show Creativity on Their First Web Project

The best practice to develop your web development skills is to get your hands dirty and create a website yourself! Last month, during our Dev Bootcamp Batch 17, students presented their solo projects for a school website. 

We are glad to see each student develop the website with their own characteristics and creativity! This is the first time they connect everything the Bootcamp has covered so far and build a coding project from the ground up with the concepts they have learned over the past month and dive into complexities. 

They will work on more projects using more advanced technologies and collaborate in a team to accomplish bigger tasks in the next phase!

2. Wcoding Dev Bootcamp Batch 17 Demo Day & Graduation

This Summer, 8 aspiring developers started their coding journey with us at wcoding. They successfully completed the 12-week intensive course,  learning how to code and deploy their first web app.  

Last week, on their last day of the Bootcamp, they showcased their app “Dear Diary,” a journaling application with features in uploading texts, photos, and adding locations using Google maps. 

It was amazing that the batch outperformed in front of a large audience of senior developers, the business team, and alumni! After the presentation, we held a small graduation ceremony to celebrate batch 17’s completion and most importantly the new beginnings of their career.

wcoding will keep supporting our graduates on their way to employment, and we look forward to their growth in the future! 

4. Seize Your Opportunities in the Korean Recruiting Season

Korean recruiting season is around September~October and April~May every year. During this period, many companies will release lots of job and internship opportunities to the public. So, if you’re looking for a career change, now is the best time!

At the same time, the Korean government hosts a job fair this month for international job seekers who seek to develop their careers in Korea. This will also be wcoding’s second time joining the event as an official partner. We will look forward to meeting many tech enthusiasts and young talents this year! (Of course, feel free to stop by wcoding booth if you’re interested in joining us!)

-Job Fair for International Students 2022
Date: Oct 21-22 (Fri~Sat), 10:00-17:00⁣
Location: Coex C1 Hall⁣ (wcoding Booth: A05)
Fee: Free of Charge⁣
Website: https://jobfair.contactkorea.go.kr


Every week, wcoding hosts open classes and coding seminars at CodeSeoul. This is an international community built by wcoding and our partners, and is open to anyone who is interested in exploring the world of programming.

All events are free of charge, and if you wish to be part of the community, join us at https://www.meetup.com/codeseoul/

1. What Students Built at Wcoding Dev Bootcamp: Batch 16 Demo Day

This Summer, a group of proud wcoders completed their studies in Fullstack Web Development and showcased what they have built in just a few weeks on wcoding’s Demo Day.

Demo Day is a day at the end of the bootcamp for the students to present their final group project to our senior developers and business team. It is also a great opportunity to apply tech knowledge in a real-life project and learn how programmers work as a team in the development field.  This batch created a short-term housing rental service platform  ‘ROOM-EZ‘ and added member profiles, log-in, booking, and Kakao map search functions.

We are glad to see all students successfully completed the 12-week Dev Bootcamp at wcoding and accomplished an amazing project in a short time. Although graduated, the learning doesn’t stop. This will be the beginning of the journey to becoming a programmer and we look forward to their growth in the future!

2. Python Nights Batch 15 Graduation

Happy graduation to Python Nights for Beginners Batch 15! During the past 2 months, the batch not only learned the fundamental concepts of Python but also touched on the basics of SQL, Sqlite3, API, and Flask. At the end of the course, the students successfully completed a mini project of building up a Music Store.

It’s not an easy thing to keep learning new things after work, but four brave wcoders managed to do it! Well done and congratulations!

3. Dev Nightly: Mid-term Project Showcase

The Dev Nightly class presented their first solo project on building a school website page. The task was to only use HTML & CSS to make the web page, add animations, and design. This was a great opportunity to review the concepts of web fundamentals and master the skills in building websites before diving deeper into JavaScript and other programming languages.

After the presentation, wcoding’s Development Team provided feedback on the code structures and solutions to some technical issues which students had when executing the project. 

4. Welcome, Dev Bootcamp Batch 17!  🙋‍♂️ Korean BBQ Dinner with wcoding Alumni

A new batch of Dev Bootcamp just started this Summer and wcoding hosted a welcome dinner for the newbies!

It was the first dinner gathering with batch 17, but everyone had a lot of fun! It was also a great opportunity for students to get to know their classmates and to understand more about wcoding! We also expect to have different networking events with current students and alumni in the near future. After all, who doesn’t love food and soju?

5. wcoding x CodeSeoul: Over the Hump Workshop Series

Currently, CodeSeoul is hosting a series of workshops on various topics in Tech every Wednesday night at wcoding. The topics include SSH, concurrent React, computer vision and face recognition, and more. All events are free of charge. 

CodeSeoul is our sister NGO which is dedicated to connecting coders of all levels and backgrounds to learn, teach, and build things together. If you want to connect with other tech enthusiasts in Seoul and be more involved in the international community, feel free to join our events! 

6. Intro to Web Dev Batch 2 Graduation

Happy graduation to Intro to Web Dev Batch 2! The students invested their Saturday mornings to learn knowledge in website structure and visual design elements like font, color, and spaces. Although most of the students were first-time coders, in their last class, the batch successfully made a mini project of building a weather app using HTML, CSS, and basic JavaScript! Well done!

7. wcoding and KOREC Launch IT Bootcamp for Japanese Job Market

wcoding is glad to announce a new partnership with KOREC, an talent matching agency that provides employment and training services for Koreans looking to start their careers in Japan!

This year, wcoding and KOREC are going to launch a Korean IT Bootcamp (일본 IT 취업 부트캠프) for talents who seek to launch their careers in Japan. Students can expect to receive 3-month programming education and full career support from wcoding and KOREC. Also, selected students can receive exclusive interview opportunities with Japanese corporates and get 50% tuition back if get hired.

8. A Glimpse to wcoding’s Night Class!

What do you do after work? Watching TV? Workout? Or hang out with friends? Our Python Nights students and Dev Nightly students are utilizing the time to learn new skills!

This week, our Dev Nightly students completed their 3rd project of making a website for a travel blog, while our Python class learned concepts of boolean logic and control flow for data management. 

Most of our night students have other schedules in the daytime, such as teaching English at schools, working in companies, or taking Korean language classes. “It’s a great investment to take the time after work in exchange for some in-demand career skills!” said a student from the night class. 

1. Project Course: Students Showed Amazing Personal Projects on the Demo Day 💥

This batch of Project Course has shown their incredible independent research skills and creativity on the Demo Day. With the instructor’s guidance, students built their first individual projects based on their interested fields and successfully completed them in 2 months. 

After 2 months of hard work, our students from Project Course showcased their final products with our development team on their Demo Day. These amazing projects included an online book store using JavaScript and Python and a mini RPG game using Unity. 

Through this opportunity, they get to learn how to work as a real programmer and be able to self-learn new languages depending on the needs of the project. We are delighted to see what students have achieved in a short time and looking forward to their future works!

2. wcoding Held a Career Talk to Help Foreigners Start a Career in Korea! 🚀

Looking for a job in Korea as a foreigner is not an easy task, and wcoding is here to help you with that first step to building a career here!

During the session, our career consultants shared tips for finding non-teaching jobs, improving their visa status, and learning in-demand working skills in Korea. “We have helped more than 300 students to get employed in different industries and countries. We are happy to share our years of experience in personal career building and tech education with the international community here. We hope everyone who joined the event can benefit from this career talk and get one step closer to their career goals!’ said wcoding CEO Kyle Kim.  

3. Dev Bootcamp Batch 16: Mid-Term Project Presentation and Dinner Gathering 🍗🍻

Entering the second month of the bootcamp, students have learned most of the fundamentals of web development and the mid-term project is a good opportunity to evaluate how much the students have learned and progressed. Through the code explanation and Q&A with our development team, students get to understand different approaches to completing a task and solving technical problems.

After the presentation, wcoding had a dinner gathering with the batch. It was a fun time for team bonding and also a small warmup for the upcoming final project!