1. Open House was a Success: 20+ Coders Joined to Learn to Code
At the last event, we got a chance to meet many talented coders who successfully built a Magic Eight Ball Game for the very first time.
It was great to meet many new friends in the November Open House!
If you’re also curious about Coding Bootcamp, come join us in the next Open House and discover your future potential in Tech with us.

2. Congratulations on the Completion of the Course for November Graduates!
Our proud students from Python Nights for Beginners (Programming & Data Science) Batch 16 and Intro to Web Dev (Weekend Web Dev) Batch 3 just graduated from wcoding this November – Happy graduation and well done!
Our students came from English teachers, college students, business managers, and entrepreneurs in this batch. It’s wonderful to see talents from all different backgrounds join us to learn to code together and successfully completed the journey with us. We look forward to their continued growth in programming in the future!
In the meantime, if you’re interested in our evening programs or weekend classes, please don’t hesitate to contact us! Our Admissions Team would love to hear your story and have a talk!

3. Full-time Bootcamp Batch 18’s First Presentation on Web Development Project
Our brave coders from Dev Bootcamp (12-Week Full-Time program) just completed their very first front-end project of building a school website!
For our Bootcamp students, being able to apply the coding knowledge to an actual IT project and explain the codes is an important step of becoming a real developer.
The opportunity to showcase what they have learned in front of our senior developers and received feedback from our alumni and dev team is definitely valuable for our students. We were also glad to see their progress in such a short time!
Next, they will work on a bigger and more functional group project by adding more back-end features as well. We look forward to their final presentation on the Demo Day soon!