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2021 December News

1. Congratulations, Python Intermediate Batch 13!

Congratulations to the fresh grads of the Python Intermediate class! πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰

The batch has successfully completed both beginner and intermediate courses in Python. Four months ago, they were coding newbies, and now they are able to use Python for different purposes, such as debugging, algorithms, and automation. πŸ€– After the class, the batch will work together on a data science project and up-level their skills with more hands-on practices! πŸ”₯

Interested in learning new tech skills in 2022? Learn more about Python Nights!

2. Go Batch 14! Dinner Party with wcoders

Entering the midpoint of the program, the Dev Bootcamp Batch 14 has done a great job of completing the most intensive part of the program… so far!!β €
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Before starting their own group projects, we had a small End of the Year Party with a Korean-style Dinner last Friday night! πŸ₯‚πŸ₯˜
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It was a great opportunity to connect with the wcoding community and receive some practical advice from our developers. We look forward to the success of batch 14 and their group project on the upcoming Demo Day! πŸ’» πŸ˜‰

3. Meet Co-founders of wcoding

In this interview, wcoding co-founders, Kyle Kim and Alex Oh will talk about wcoding bootcamp and answer some frequently asked questions from students.

Curious about wcoding alumni, instructors, and campus life? Learn more about wcoding on the official Youtube channel!